Currently we have three series of publications:
1. In the Anglican Tradition
2. Christian Mysteries
3 A translation of the RATIONALE DIVINORUM OFFICIORUM (Rationale for the Divine Offices) was written by Guillaume Durandus, Bishop of Mende, and further information about these volumes can be found here.
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Publications in this series relate to the general teachings of the Anglican Church.
Although the Anglican Tradition is largely reflective of the theological shifts of the 16th century English Reformation its beliefs and practices are firmly rooted in the ancient church. Indeed, the real roots of the Anglican faith stem back to the Celtic church, which may have been established as early as the second century. From this foundation a rich spirituality has emerged which, while unique, nevertheless firmly reflects the orthodox beliefs of Christianity. This series examines and explains aspects of Anglican liturgical worship from the spiritual perspective and explores aspects of this Tradition.
The Holy Communion Service in the Book of Common Prayer is unique among eucharistic liturgies in that it begins with the Ten Commandments. Jesus emphasised that the two most important aspects of this are to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. Yet is it possible to truly come to love our neighbours and, indeed, our enemies? Following guidance from both St. Paul and St. Peter and then turning to draw largely from Anglican teachings of earlier times this book demonstrates that this is possible and explains how it can be accomplished.
Holy Communion is a central feature of Anglican worship. While various modern forms exist, they all stem from the Liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer, which itself is still widely used. The objective of this book is to assist the reader in coming to a better appreciation of the inherent rhythm of the Liturgy. The text combines an examination of different liturgies with ways by which worshippers can more fully engage in eucharistic worship. It incorporates selected passages from several sources to provide the reader with a more holistic perspective, which, it is hoped, will contribute to a better understanding and experience of this most sacred rite.
The annual cycle of liturgical Collects provides a rich resource for meditation and reflection. This book presents some of the insights which can be gained from them. Based on the Collects currently used by the Church of England many of these short prayers are very ancient and are also used by other denominations. Extracts from ‘Meditations on the Collects’ have been published in the Church Times.
Commenting on this book the former Bishop of Bedford, the Rt. Revd. Richard N. Inwood, wrote ‘When I was in parish ministry I would regularly use the Collect as well as the Epistle and Gospel as a source of material for a sermon at the 8 o’clock service. To have had a book like this by me at the time would have been extremely helpful. I trust that many will find it so and that it will have a wide circulation.’
The concept that Christ indwells everyone is familiar to many but is not understood as well as it could be. Yet it is a concept that we need some appreciation of in order to begin to truly enter into an understanding of the spiritual teachings of Christianity. In Part 1 Janet Gentles provides an explanation, while the selected and abridged sermons of the Ven. Basil Wilberforce in Part 2 serve to shed valuable light on the subject. Archdeacon Wilberforce was an Anglican priest and author and is a former Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons and Archdeacon of Westminster. He was the grandson of the abolitionist William Wilberforce.
The liturgies for Morning and Evening Worship found in the Book of Common Prayer are not only particular to the Anglican Tradition but are also beautiful and inspiring. Yet their value to the worshipper is only enhanced when one gains a better understanding of them. This book presents both the history and an explanation of each part of these services. A short history by the editor, which provides a background, is followed by a compilation taken from the writings of John McBeth and an anonymous clergyman who provide insights into each part of these services. With histories, analyses, explanations, and commentaries a comprehensive understanding can be gained which can prove beneficial to many.
A Short Course in Spiritual Development
Many will find this guide to private prayer and corporate worship both useful and inspiring. It presents ten discourses, with exercises, which can be used by individuals or in group study. It introduces the spiritual journey, provides guidance on prayer, examines the Creeds, and suggests ways to participate more fully in the eucharist.
Publications in this series focus on biblical interpretation and symbolism.
Since ancient times it has been recognized that the Bible can be interpreted at four different levels. Such spiritual interpretation clarifies numerous difficult texts and sheds great light on spiritual realities. Symbolism has always been the language of spirituality and there are many symbols to be found both in the Bible and in the teachings and practices of the Church. Exploring them contributes significantly both to understanding and to the worship experience. Books in this series open the door to the profound Wisdom teachings of the Judeo-Christian Tradition.
(Further titles are planned for this series.)
Christianity rests on a profound spiritual foundation much of which is to be found in the oral or unwritten Judeo-Christian Tradition. This book introduces the reader to how access can be gained to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of this Tradition through the methodology of the Jewish mystical Kabbalah.
It begins by explaining what the Mysteries are and presents a short history of the Kabbalah. It moves on to introduce the fundamental concepts of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These include the sephiroth, the four worlds, the nature of soul and spirit, and the descent of spirit into matter.
By this point the reader will have begun to discover deeper insights into scripture and, also, that some of the most enigmatic writings of the Church Fathers are easily understood from the Kabbalistic perspective. Some further examples of these revelations are found in the chapters that follow before the implications of this with regards to spiritual development are considered.
Applying the methodology of the Kabbalah to Christian teachings demonstrates that a far greater unity between Jewish and Christian theology exists than is often thought to be the case. It also opens the door to discovering the deepest insights into biblical texts.
When Janet was a teenager she became convinced that there was a deeper spiritual truth underlying the literal reading of the Bible. She set out to find it. A few years later she encountered the Kabbalah in which she began to find some of the answers she was looking for, at least as far as the Old Testament is concerned. The Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism.
As she gradually became familiar with the subject she realised that some of the books she read were misleading, or erroneous, with regards to the true teachings. This was all long before the subject gained its current popularity and today there continue to be false teachings which are even more widespread, and some are even propagated by some of the Jewish faith. Nevertheless, sound Kabbalistic teachings are to be found, with more now being translated into English. They form an important part of the Jewish mystical Tradition. Although the name “kabbalah” is popularly used to cover a variety of subject areas modern academic-historical study of Jewish mysticism reserves the term “kabbalah” to designate the particular, distinctive doctrines that textually emerged fully expressed in the Middle Ages, as distinct from the earlier Merkabah mystical concepts and methods. (see Kabbalah: A very short introduction, Joseph Dan, Oxford University Press, Chapters on “the emergence of Medieval Kabbalah” and “doctrines of Medieval Kabbalah”). Here we are referring to the genuine teachings as referring to both Merkabah mystical concepts and the doctrines of Medieval Kabbalah, or at least aspects of these teachings.
Janet’s interest in the subject is the Kabbalistic view that early kabbalistic knowledge was transmitted orally by the Patriarchs, prophets, and sages and that these teachings convey the inner meaning of the Hebrew Bible. She discovered that fundamental to understanding this was a framework known as the Tree of Life and that applying it did, indeed, deepen her spiritual understanding of Old Testament texts.
Then she wondered if it would work with New Testament texts, and it did. She also found that it could lead to some of the most enigmatic writings of the Church Fathers being easily understood. Indeed, the Mystical Hierarchy and the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius, (who is often referred to as the father of Christian mysticism), are entirely based on the structure of the Tree of Life.
Her book Greater Christian Mysteries begins with a basic explanation of the Tree if Life and then goes on to show a few of the texts it explains in the Old and New Testaments and in the writings of the Fathers.
God is one, there is one Truth, and it should not be surprising that at the profound levels of mystical teaching a commonality should be found with the Judaeo-Christian Tradition. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (Mat. 5:17) The life mission of Jesus was not to bring a new teaching but to teach and demonstrate a more spiritual understanding of Old Testament teachings. This should not be surprising as God is one, there is one Truth, and it should not be surprising that at the profound levels of mystical teaching a commonality should be found with the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.