Saturday, May 30, 2020
12 noon PDT / 3 pm EDT/ 4 pm ADT / 8 pm BST
Author, publisher and owner of Paschal Light, Janet has spent over forty years with a passionate interest in spirituality and mysticism. Her most recent accomplishment is the translation of the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum (Rationale of the Divine Offices) by Guilluame Durandus. She is delighted to welcome:

David W. Kuck, with his wife Mary, lived and worked in Jamaica from 1991-2014. He was on the academic staff of the United Theological College of the West Indies, teaching Greek, New Testament, and preaching courses. He also served as the Lutheran Warden and for 5 years was the Coordinator of Graduate Studies.
He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Yale University (1989). He has published two books: Judgment and Community Conflict: Paul’s Use of Apocalyptic Judgment Language in 1 Corinthians 3:5-4:5 and Preaching in the Caribbean: Building up a People for Mission.
A native of Michigan, U.S.A., he is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He has served as the pastor of churches in Hamden, Newtown, and West Haven, Connecticut. He currently serves as the part-time transition pastor of The Intersection Lutheran Church in Boston, Massachusetts. He and Mary have been married since 1972. They are retired and reside in West Newbury, Massachusetts. They have two children: Sarah, who lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two children, and Ben, who lives in Minnesota with wife and three children.

Rev. Robert McLean is a Jamaican priest currently ministering in the Anglican Parish of Labrador West, in the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He is blessed with having Sheree as his wife and they have two beautiful children, Sebastian (aged 7) and Abigail (aged 4) who fill his life with joy and enhance his spiritual growth.
He was ordained a deacon in 2003 and priest in 2004 and has been serving in full time ministry for the past 16+ years. His passion is the practice of Christian spirituality, especially contemplative prayer; and has been exploring this area for over 15 years.
He holds a BA in Theology from the University of the West Indies, a Diploma in Ministerial Studies from the United Theological College of the West Indies, and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Spiritual Guidance and Direction from the Boston College in Massachusetts. In addition to serving as a parish-priest, he has conducted silent retreats for clergy and lay persons, as well as for postulants to the ordained ministry. His contemplative form of prayer is Lectio Divina, but frequently does Centering Prayer as well.

Marie E. Casserly Rademacher resides with her husband, Daniel and son, Aaron, in the forested hills of Oregon in the Pacific Northwest USA. A native of Jamaica, she is a business and project development professional with over 30 years of combined service in the Government of Jamaica (JAMPRO & JBDC), the American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica and the Jamaican private sector. Her passion is strategic visioning for businesses, incorporating effective branding, design, IP management, communication, marketing and analysis for business competitiveness and growth.
A personal friend of Janet Gentles for many years, Marie has provided support to her business initiatives and also participated in spiritual retreats and development programs organized by Paschal Light. Marie, who is an Anglican and a confirmed member of St Andrew Parish Church in Kingston, Jamaica since 1974, has been trained in spiritual direction and is particularly refreshed by silent retreats.